Wednesday 5 December 2012

Work Experience Finale!

Today was the day I was dreading the most of the ten weeks! The final day. I didn't want to go to school today because I knew it was the last day. I have grown so attached to the girls I didn't want to leave at all! I went into school and we gave Mrs.P a thank you present on behalf of Daina , Eilise , Alanna , Roisin and I. She was extremely thankful and talked to us about our experiences throughout the placement.

             I went into my class and gave Mrs.M a thank you present for allowing me stay in her class for 10 weeks!. She was ever so grateful.
             Today we were going to make ornaments for our Christmas trees. I had to roll out clay into pieces for each girl. They each made a snowman and bell, then made a hole in the top of them so that they could hang them on their trees. Next week they are going to paint and decorate them.

  Mrs.B brought in a gerbil today because the girls were learning about animals! While the class admired the gerbil I continued making the ornaments with them. We always made hedgehogs out of clay!

            After break I planted daffodils with the girls who were absent the last week. I then paired there pencils , stuck their names on their desks and cleaned up whilst they practised their Christmas play. 

            At the end of the day Mrs.M thanked me for all my hard work and gave me a present on behalf of the class. I was so thankful for this and gave each girl a hug. I gave the girls some sweets with permission from Mrs.M and they were all happy campers! I hated how fast the 10 weeks went and wanted to stay forever! I said my goodbyes and the girls went home. 

           Afterwards Mrs.M said I could leave and said she would have been lost without me I thanked her again for everything and went to the staff room. Here some of the other staff talked to us about our experience there and if they turned us off primary teaching completely! In fact it did the opposite! I know for sure this is what I want to be now! I was so upset leaving today!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Week Nine

I set off for work at 9 this morning and said hello to the girls in the yard. I walked into the corridor and waited for the bell. Daina Roisin Alanna and Eilise followed shortly after me. We greeted the teachers and students. The girls came in earlier than usual today because it was too cold and icy outside. I went into the classroom and helped the girls settle down and take off / hang up their coats. They all sat down and talked until Mrs.M came in and told us what was going to happen that day.

           She asked me to go out to her car and get the bulbs , soil and plant pots. Today we were going to plant daffodils. This was a very messy job! I brought the girls to the art table in pairs and planted the bulbs with them , When we were finished we put them at the back of the classroom , on the windowsill. 
          After we planted the flowers , I was given a 'tricky word' sheet I had to test them on.While Mrs.B and Mrs.M were teaching I took one girl at a time and had to go through the words with them and tick off the ones they knew. I also had to test them on their letters and sounds. Their parent teacher meeting are next Wednesday so I helped to set up their sheets in polly pockets.

    At the end of the day when they were gone home I had to cut out a lot of words with a slicer. I don't want next week to come because it will be my last day! I don't want to leave!

Week Eight

Today I woke up early and had a shower. I went  to work at 8:50 and met Alanna , Eilise , Daina and Roisin and we went into the school.
      We waited in the corridor  for the bell to ring for us to go to the classrooms while we  talked about school. We said 'good morning' and helped Mrs. Walton with her bags.I went into the classroom and helped the girls settle down and take off / hang up their coats. They all sat down in their seats and Mrs.Meleady explained to me what I was going to do for the day.

           At the start of the day I had to cut up numerous shapes out of different pieces of fabric. This week the girls read 'The Elf and The Shoemaker'. I was the shoemaker and they were my elves. I grabbed colourful unique pieces out of the box and began cutting them in all shapes and sizes. I had to take each girl one at a time and help them stick the colourful fabric onto the shoes. When the collage was finished I painted the inside and under the shoe. They looked really good in the end and I hung them up in the classroom.   I also made an art display board showing their creative shoes they each designed.

          Mrs. Burke was being examined the next day to see how her teaching practice was coming along so I decided to help her decorate the room with all the art she did with the girls.I organised the display board and had to thumbtack pictures of words and sounds from 'Jolly Phonics' onto the board.

         When the girls went home at 1:50 I filed all their worksheets and pictures away from the previous week.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Today I got up and had a shower. I set off to work at 8:40 and met Alanna and we went into the school.

      The principal met me in the corridor and explained to me that there was another teacher in the classroom I was working in doing teaching practise . She didn't want me to go to waste ,so,  if the teacher didn't need me I was going to have to change rooms. Luckily she needed my help and I was aloud to stay with the girls. Although it has only been 6 weeks I have grown to love the girls , they're so cute and kind. I have a sort of bond with all the girls now and get on well with them. 

       At the start of the day I put their pictures into folders for Mrs.B. I then began to make a time line for them out of pictures of themselves over the years, ribbon and card. They turned out really pretty in the end. This took a long time and it was now break time. We went to the staff room ( Eilise , Alanna , Daina, Roisin and I) and made hot chocolate and ate biscuits , was so nice! After break I cut up pictures and words for Mrs.C and then did two other art activities with the class.

        Firstly we did marble art. We got baking trays , filled them with water and played drops of marble ink into them. I mixed them and then helped the girls dip their umbrella drawings into the top of the water. They turned out amazing! While some girls were doing this the other girls were colouring in blank sheets of paper with crayon and then black water painting them, to show that crayon is waterproof!

       When the girls went home at 1:50 I then paired all their pencils , sorted out folder and stuck their timeline's and pictures up. I thought today was a really fun day because I enjoy doing art with the girls.


Tuesday 13 November 2012

Book Fair!

Past the half way mark! , Yesterday I got organised for my six week of work experience.Today I woke up and was full of life! I went to school and greeted everyone with a smile and a 'good morning' as usually. It had now become our weekly routine. Meet in the corridor , talk , go to the classroom.

           The teacher said I could take it easy this week because I had such a hard week last week. I thought this was really kind of her and said I honestly didn't mind. She let me be the art teacher again and I set up the art table. This week the girls had read a book about Cinderella and their task was to design her dress for the ball. This was fun to do with the kids because I got to see their creative side. By the end we had long , short , multi-coloured , beautiful dresses to show!
            Half way through the day the Principal of the school came to me and asked me to help out with the book fair. This brought back all the memories of when I went to school and was so excited for the book fair! We were the organisers for the day! All the little girls came up with their money in envelopes and we had to find their books for them and sell them to them. Sometimes the girls would buy books they weren't supposed to and we had to make sure this didn't happen. It was a fun day working with money and helping the girls ! 

               Today has been one on the best days I hope next week will be too!


Yesterday I got my outfit and lunch organised for today. I woke up and got ready at 8, I was sick the night before and was dreading today I didn't want to be a nuisance so I was strong and went to work. It was a winter morning and the temperature was in the minus'!. I went to the school and met the four girls in the hall , we said our 'good mornings' and then went to our classrooms.
            The teacher said hello and told me what we would be doing for the day , she told me how I would hate her by the end of the day with the work she was about to give me! haha She then explained that her and Mrs. Acton needed to rule , line and number 120 copies for the girls! Myself and my workmates faces dropping and we laughed in nervousness! The teachers were reasonable and said they were so so sorry but they had to be done , they apologized all day and said that if we got too tired we could give up.
             Myself , Eilise and Daina took to the job like a duck to water and did as many was we could. At first we were thinking that the job would be quick enough and wouldn't matter at all , two hours later we were proven wrong. Our hands were falling off but we were determined to get the job done. We spent the whole day doing the copies and at the end the teachers said they'd never put us through that again! The teachers were so grateful for the work we had done , I really felt a sense of achievement!

Friday 26 October 2012

Work Experience - Week Four

This is my Work Experience Video I made with my friends Ciara , Alanna and Katie. Mrs. L kindly helped with editing the video! Thank you!